New Year Changes

Rate Schedule

We have reviewed our Rates and due to popular demand we have revised our Rates to be more reflective of your needs and suggestions.

Towards this end, we now offer three “Access Plans“:

  • GOOD – similar to the previous Regular Access Plan we have been using since we developed our online course.
  • BETTER – more reflective of the needs we have seen from ESL students and beginners who are new to Food Handling.
  • EXAM-ONLY – reflects the needs of current Food Handlers, who simply need to re-certify.

Currently active Regular Access Plan will continue until the students have completed the course.

Current Vouchers will remain effective and will now become Access Plan GOOD. Vouchers do not expire until they are used.

Addition of the LifterLMS Notes facility

As explained previously, we have added this Notes facility to help students take notes during the course and to recall them afterwards.
We are running this on a one year trial basis to see if it helps. Your feedback is extremely important, good or bad.

Internal Cleanup

We have done a review of all of the pages and have fixed minor errors and inconsistencies.

We hope that you will find these changes and additions helpful.

Please let us know through Contact Us if we are addressing your needs and any suggestions for improvement.

Thank you for your help in the past and we look forward to improving more.

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