Course Information and Prerequisite Skills
The costs for the course and examination, mode of payment, and information regarding refunds for this course can be found in our Rate Schedule Information regarding the delivery format, duration and estimated time to complete the course can also be found there. The online course is delivered in English. However, students who speak other languages can choose the site be translated into their native tongue by selecting the language in the page footer under “Select Language“. Course materials are also available through FoodSafe Manitoba. These are also listed in our Rate Schedule.
The activities and assignments required to complete the course are the quizzes at the end of each of the sections (including a glossary and review section) and the final exam. This information, along with the passing score is provided to students in the first section of the course.
Results are tabulated and delivered electronically and are available upon completing the exam. The certificate is available for the students to print out immediately upon completing the exam.
Online Course Requirements
The online course delivery mechanism facilitates independent learning and students will be expected to already have the ability to study on their own and have basic computer literacy. The student must have access to a computer running a currently supported operating system. For example Windows 10, Mac OSX, iOS, ChromeOS, Android, or Linux. The computer must be able to run a modern web browser such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Chromium, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc. A minimum screen resolution of 1280 x 1024 is recommended to avoid scrolling. An internet connection, preferably high-speed, is required. The ability to read and learn from course materials on a screen. Please note, we provide video accessibility tools on-screen (upper left). The ability to play videos and use of a computer mouse will all be equipment requirements for taking this course.
The course materials will be delivered through course delivery software and will provide supplementary reference material in the form of documents, website links, and other online resources. A qualified instructor will be available via email if students have difficulties while taking the course. This course is designed for individual independent study and does not expect interactions with other students. The course provides online automated feedback through quizzes and review sections which provide online self-assessment prior to taking the exam.
The course is designed to provide 6 hours of instruction in addition to the time permitted for taking the exam.
Instructor Qualifications
For details regarding Instructor Qualifications please see the Organizational Requirements and Course Development information provided in the sections above.
Online Course Delivery
The online FoodSafe Manitoba course is designed to take 6-8 hours on average to complete if a student is proceeding at a standard educational pace. Due to the self-directed nature of the course, students can take more time to complete the training if they require it, (this could be due to, for example, a slower reading speed or the need to complete the course in smaller chunks of time due to family obligations). The maximum amount of time a student may take to complete this course and the exam is four weeks.
Course Examination
The content of the course and examination for the Online FoodSafe Manitoba course was approved by Manitoba Health and Seniors Care on September 30, 2021. Examination delivery is online and in adherence to best practices for online exam delivery in use in food safety training throughout Canada. We include the Certificate Exam fee if you have completed the online course.) It should also be noted that once you successfully complete the Food Handlers Certificate Exam, it is then valid in the Province of Manitoba, provided that it has not expired.
Course Refunds
Generally, there are no refunds for the courses, particularly if you have completed the certification exam or you have violated the Terms and Conditions. You can discuss your reasoning with the Course Administrator. Please note, if you leave the Certification Exam before you have completed it, the exam will be terminated and will score only those questions for which you have provided an answer. All unanswered questions will be graded as wrong. This is not grounds for a refund.