Why is there no audio on your Getting Started Video nor your Starting Exam Video ?

A good question and perhaps a surprising answer. We have received this question a lot lately.

FoodSafe Manitoba does its best to be a multi-lingual site. We began this during the In-Person courses only days with providing text books in as many languages as is available. Now that we have been servicing the online course and exams track as well. We are able to reach more remote students, whom would otherwise not have access to Food Handling and Safety Courses and the Certification Exam.

In this same light, we have recently added many new cultures of people fleeing tyranny in the home country. This has made Canada a richer nation and have introduced many new foods and restaurants. Quite often to gain employment, they first require up-to-date Food Handling Certificates. Their English skills are still developing and they feel more at home learning in their native tongue. That is why we have made our courses and web interface multi-lingual as well.

So to make a long story short, I would love to add audio, sometimes a word is worth a thousand pictures. However, I only know English and have intermediate Spanish. It would not be fair to miss the potential languages verbally. Hopefully one day. It seemed best to use motions instead of audio to get the message across.

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